Regularly, the Bylaws of your local YWCA association have been revised to be compliant with changes from YWCA USA and NYS laws. We last revised the Bylaws in 2014 to be consistent with the reorganization of the YWCA USA. We neglected to remove one reference to the previous YWCA USA governance structure. The reference that we need to remove is located on page 5 – ARTICLE III Section 2 #2. It refers to the National Coordinating Board of the YWCA USA. This body no longer exists – the YWCA USA is now governed by a Board of Directors.
A current copy of the Bylaws with the proposed change highlighted is available by clicking here.
As a voting member, please reaffirm your commitment to the YWCA NENY by clicking on the link below. Please cast your ballot by December 2, 2016.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rowie Taylor, Executive Director by phone at 518.374.3394 x104 or email at [email protected].
Thank you for being an active voting member of the YWCA NorthEastern NY.