YW Strive is a free 16-week digital literacy and workforce training program that teaches individuals how to work productively and collaboratively using Google Workspace.


YWCA NorthEastern NY’s YW STRIVE program plays a pivotal role in the broader economic empowerment initiatives. By providing individuals with essential life and career skills, YW STRIVE equips them to overcome barriers and achieve economic independence. Through tailored support, including job readiness training, financial literacy education, and career advancement resources, participants are empowered to secure stable employment, build financial security, and pursue their goals with confidence.

More About Our Programs

YW Strive is a free 16-week professional and personal development program that provides individuals with the basic digital skills needed to gain sustainable employment. This program helps participants define career goals, gain confidence, and expand income-earning potential. Through personalized coaching, workshops, and hands-on training, participants build confidence, develop critical skills, and chart a path toward personal and professional success. Any individual facing employment barriers or barriers to attending college are strongly encouraged to register.

The STRIVE ESL program is a dynamic 10-week initiative tailored to empower individuals through English language proficiency. Through interactive lessons, immersive activities, and personalized support, participants develop essential language skills to thrive in their personal and professional lives. Our experienced instructor creates a supportive learning environment where participants can build confidence, enhance communication skills, and expand opportunities for success.

Gain Professional and Employability Skills

More than 5 million paying businesses use G Suite applications to create and share digital files. This career coaching program teaches the fundamentals of Google’s cloud computing applications used by local employers and is designed to help trainees sharpen skills and stay competitive.

 Program topics include:

  • All things Google Drive (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail, Calendars)
  • Presentation skills
  • Essential skills (aka soft skills)
  • Resume creation
  • Interview techniques
  • Financial empowerment
  • Teamwork and collaboration

Hands-on Approach

YW Strive fosters a community of support and hands-on classes and assignments. Trainees develop and practice skills in real-time in a collaborative, safe environment. Any individual facing employment barriers or barriers to attending college is strongly encouraged to register.

Upon Completion

Participants will receive a certification that demonstrates G-Drive proficiency.

STRIVE Boutique

Participants will have full access to the free STRIVE Boutique where they can find professional clothing and shoes

Resource Fair & Workshops

The YW STRIVE Resource Fair offers clients a valuable opportunity to connect with a diverse range of resources and support services all under one roof. The resource fair brings job opportunities and other resources directly to participants with partners who are looking to help them succeed. Here, clients can gain valuable insights, network with professionals, and access the support they need to overcome barriers and achieve their goals. In collaboration with our community partners, the YW STRIVE team hosts a variety of financial workshops and mock interviews with program participants.

YWCA Strive Graduation (May 2023) 

YW STRIVE – Group 4
10:00AM – 2:00PM

Week 1: Sept. 17th, 2024
Week 2: Sept. 24th, 2024
Week 3:
Oct. 1st, 2024
Week 4: Oct. 8th, 2024
Week 5: Oct. 15th, 2024
Week 6: Oct. 22nd, 2024
Week 7: Oct. 17th, 2024
Week 8: Oct. 29th, 2024
Week 9: Nov. 5th, 2024
Week 10: Nov. 12th, 2024
Week 11: Nov. 19th, 2024
NO STRIVE Nov. 26th (Thanksgiving Break)
Week 12: Dec. 3rd, 2024
Week 13: Dec. 10th, 2024
Week 14: Dec. 17th, 2024
NO STRIVE Dec. 24th & 31st
Week 15:
Jan. 7th, 2025
Week 16: Jan. 21st, 2025
Graduation: January 28th

Our YW STRIVE facilitators are experienced professionals dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey to personal and professional growth. With expertise mentorship and skill-building, our facilitators provide personalized guidance and encouragement to help participants overcome challenges and achieve their goals. YW STRIVE facilitators empower individuals to build confidence, develop essential skills, and navigate their path to success with resilience and determination.

For questions, please email YWCA’s Economic Empowerment Counselor, [email protected].

Local Employer or Agency Partnerships
Are you a local employer or nonprofit agency and want to partner with YW Strive?
Contact Farrah Foreman, 518.918.6737 or Katrina Garcia, 518.418.6911 for more information.


Mission Moments

“I’d forgotten what I was capable of, STRIVE helped me remember.”

– STRIVE Program Participant

While working on creating resumes through STRIVE, many of the group members started to cry. When asked what was wrong, they responded that they couldn’t complete their resumes because doing so meant needing to see themselves in a positive light, which felt impossible, with one woman voicing her thought, “What’s the point when there is nothing good about me?”
At that feedback, the group facilitator told everyone to go home early and write themselves a love letter that would be for nobody’s eyes but their own. The women were to carry that love letter around with them. In times of doubt, they should look at that love letter and remember all that they have to offer and that they are more than the sum of their parts.
This exercise helped the women view themselves in a different light. By the next class, everyone had completed their resumes.

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