Single Residency Occupancy – SRO: Rent is $375 and Includes Utilities

The SRO program will accept women, aged eighteen and over, who need a safe, affordable, and supportive place to live until they are ready and able to move into other housing of choice.

The SRO program provides women with emergency, temporary, and permanent housing. The case manager will assist and support the women in such areas as referrals for education, employment placement, medical care, chemical dependency issues, social services, and basic needs.

YWCA NorthEastern NY has on-site counseling available for domestic violence issues, support groups for domestic violence, advocacy for legal issues, and social services.

For women who are accepted into the main residential facility:

  • Residents must be fully capable of independent
  • Must be able to physically navigate the stairways and hallways
  • Must be able to peacefully coexist in a cooperative group living situation
  • Women in need of medication must be able to self-administer their own medication
  • Women with a history of chemical dependency can seek assistance from the YWCA counseling program and other services

Rosa’s House: Rent is 30% of Income – DSS Accepted

Rosa’s House is a Supportive Housing Program offered by YWCA NENY to assist homeless women who are:

  • Homeless
  • Coming from emergency/DV shelters
  • Coming from transitional housing for homeless individuals
  • Evicted
  • Discharged from institutions
  • Fleeing domestic violence
  • Suffer from mental and chemical dependency issues that affect their ability to maintain housing
  • Living with a disabilty

YWCA NorthEastern NY, through the assistance of HUD, has implemented this program to assist this population to secure and maintain permanent housing.

Rapid Rehousing

YWCA provides temporary financial assistance for women and their children who are homeless due to domestic violence. Financial assistance covers many relocation fees, moving costs, security deposit, and 9 months of rental assistance.

Rapid Rehousing also provides case management to help find an apartment, inspect the apartment, review the lease, and support individuals in working on their goals while in the Rapid Rehousing program.

For an intake or information on the wait list please call (518) 374-3394 and ask for Rapid Rehousing.

For more information on the above housing services please call the Housing Coordinator at 518.374.3394 x118

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