Become part of a vibrant community of monthly donors dedicated to eliminating racism and empowering women. Your consistent support fuels YWCA NorthEastern NY’s vital programs and services, creating a brighter future for our community. The 1888 Collective is our group of monthly givers supporting survivors, low-income and homeless women (trans-inclusive), and early childhood education. When we stand together against violence and injustice, we become an unstoppable force for good.  

Why 1888? This special number marks the year of YWCA NorthEastern NY’s founding, signifying a legacy of over 135 years of unwavering commitment to social justice and equality. 

How does it work? 

  • Sustainable Funding: Monthly donations provide a predictable and reliable source of income for our agency, allowing us to plan and budget effectively for our programs and services. This consistency helps ensure the long-term sustainability of our mission. 
  • Increased Impact: Consistent funding means we can invest in long-term initiatives and projects that have a deeper and more lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families in our community. This could include expanding existing programs, launching new initiatives, or investing in staff training and development. 
  • Automatic Monthly Giving: Set it and forget it! Your chosen amount will be automatically deducted from your credit/debit card each month, ensuring consistent and reliable support for YWCA’s mission. You can make a stable and significant impact over time while fitting the contribution into your budget more comfortably.
  • Year-Round Impact: Your recurring gift provides a stable foundation for YWCA to serve our community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year through domestic violence support services, affordable housing, early childhood education, economic empowerment, and more.  
  • Exclusive Community: Connect with fellow 1888 Collective members, and be the first to hear about YWCA’s latest initiatives and events. 

Make a difference today! Join the 1888 Collective and invest in a future of peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. 

*Welcome Kits include items like a hamper, hygiene essentials, items for children, bedding, towels, washcloths, toothpaste, and period products.


As a member of the 1888 Collective, we invite you closer to our everyday work with:

All Levels
  • Access to exclusive quarterly impact reports 
  • 25% discount on admission to YWCA NENY events (excluding Empowerment Awards Gala) 
  • Opportunities to join event planning committees and YW advocacy events putting our mission in motion 
  • Site tour opportunities 
  • Your name listed on the 1888 Collective website page and in the YWCA NENY annual report
$60 Level Additional Perk(s)
  • Coffee with leadership team members for opportunities to learn more about the mission and share feedback and ideas
$90 Level Additional Perk(s)
  • Coffee with leadership team members for opportunities to learn more about the mission and share feedback and ideas
  • Recognition at Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October) events
    • Your name will be prominantly listed on a sign at all events during the month of October
$125 Level Additional Perk(s)
  • Coffee with leadership team members for opportunities to learn more about the mission and share feedback and ideas
  • Recognition at Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October) events
    • Your name will be prominently listed on a sign at all events during the month of October
  • One free ticket to Empowerment Awards Gala after one year of giving

To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. To do this, we offer comprehensive domestic violence support services to individuals and families in need, affordable housing, and housing services to low-income and homeless women (trans-inclusive), accredited early learning curriculum, counseling, advocacy, economic empowerment, and more.

To inspire a world that embraces the beauty of diversity. Where every person, of every race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, and faith, enjoys equitable opportunities, lives free from violence, and is empowered to become an agent of change. 

Manage Monthly Giving

For access to membership pricing for events, please contact Lauren Trunko at [email protected]

Our Founding Members:

Thank you for being a force for good and helping to move our mission forward!

Holly Schneider Brown | Jamian and Joleen Rockhill | Charlene Huggard | Katherine Stephens | Yuvette Wayman
Kim Siciliano | Lauren Trunko | Erica Twomey | Maureen Van Deusen | Wendi Gapczynski | Jeff Buell | KellyAnn Shaw | Jessica Close

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