Wow, what an incredible night! We want to give our deepest and sincerest thanks to everyone who came out to our Take Back the Night march to show support for survivors and to take a stand against violence. There is strength in numbers and what a powerful site this incredible group was!
YWCA NorthEastern NY is the area’s leader in domestic violence services and operator of the only domestic violence shelter in Schenectady County. We offer a 24 hour hotline, safe shelter, counseling, advocacy, groups, case management, children’s services and post-shelter services to those who experience domestic violence. During the month of October we offer additional events to raise awareness and support.
We believe that united action is powerful as we move from reckoning to resolution. Honor Domestic Violence Awareness Month and YWCA Week Without Violence and join us Thursday, October 20th at 5:30pm at 44 Washington Ave. Schenectady as we center and uplift the fearless movers, innovative shakers, passionate trailblazers, and the bold inspirations in our community who are working tirelessly to organize voices, disrupt systems, and eliminate barriers around the issue of domestic violence to ensure our community is a safe and supportive space for survivors.
Speakers include:
Kelli Owens – Executive Director of the NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
Doreen Ditoro – Schenectady City Councilmember
Freedom Sponsor
Dignity Sponsor
Ally Sponsors
Friend Sponsor
Gertenzang, Sills, Cohn, & Gertenzang
Attorneys and Counselors at Law
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Sponsors
Paint a Rock of Encouragement!
Come paint a rock with encouraging words, positive symbols, or anything that can inspire a person who has survived domestic violence. These rocks will be placed throughout the community, given to a friend, or kept for yourself. We ask that you paint a special rock to be placed in the garden at our Empowerment, Healing, and Wellness Center that can uplift, inspire, encourage, and provide hope to the individuals we serve!
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Dignity Sponsor
- E-newsletter sponsor listing for the selected event
- Logo included on a sign at your selected event as well as promotional materials
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Ally Sponsor
- Logo included on a sign at your selected event as well as promotional materials
- Logo on YW site for the selected event
Friend Sponsor
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